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User Research

When a UX Designer is getting to understand the users.


User Research is the point of time in a project where the UX Designers are in close contact with the users to understand who they are and what they are aiming for.

Who are the users?

The main question of User Research is "Who are the users?" and the answers that are required depend on the individual project. Demographic data like age, gender or income can be an important information about the end users but also their environment needs to be understood by UX Designers to create proper solutions.

What are the users workflows?

There are products, softwares and services that are for private consumers and are used in their daily lives but there are also solutions that are required during work and therefore a context analysis can be another good starting point for creating a good solution that the users will love and the context analysis is also part of the user research.


A Persona is a model in the sphere of the human-machine-interaction. It represents a group of users having specific attributes, ne...
