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UX Workflow

Analysis, Prototypes, Visual Designs, Implementation and Evaluation


The UX Workflow is basically divided into five phases. The analysis phase, the prototyping phase, the visual design phase, the implementation phase and the evaluation phase and every phase makes the product, software or service more advanced and brings it closer to matching the users' needs.

Analysis Phase

The first and most important phase is the analysis phase. During this phase of the UX Workflow the focus is on getting to know the users, their needs regarding new solutions, their pain points regarding current solutions and what their characteristics and expectations are like. Once the UX Designers know about these elements they can create e.g. a Persona or a context analysis to give an overall framework for the solution that will be created in the end.


During the prototyping phase the focus is on creating as many ideas as possible based on the results from the analysis phase. There are different levels of prototypes. The low fidelity prototypes are designed to evaluate more general aspects of the concept whereas high fidelity are designed to focus on tiny details like the button color.

Visual Design

The visual design phase can be considered part of the prototyping phase as the visual elements are part of the high fidelity prototypes that are evaluated with the users during the prototyping phase.


The basically last phase of the main workflow is the implementation phase which can be started besides the previous phases for backend tasks. The frontend or the user interface can only be developed once the concept and visual design is also finished.


The evaluation phase is not a real phase that is placed in the end but it is placed between all the other phases. The UX Workflow is an iterative design process and there are loops made within every phase and before moving to the next phase an evaluation is needed to see whether the current status of a solution is good enough so it can be taken to the next phase or of more adjustments are needed in the current phase.